Good Evening/Morning
Vacation Bible School– Plan to be part of this year’s VBS for an epic adventure in time travel! “Time Lab” will be held Monday, July 29 – Friday, August 2 from 9:30 am. – 12:30 p.m. Each day of VBS we will travel through time in Bible stories, crafts, music, games, and live skits. For your convenience you can register online
Everyone loves a parade! So, we would like to give a big “Thank you” to everyone that helped with the Trinity Train for the Festival of Flags Parade. There were over 800 invitations to VBS given out! It was a Fun evening despite the rain!
Etiquette– What does the following phrases all have in common? We Make Our Beginning, In The Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of The Holy Spirit: Amen, – The Gospel reading comes from, – In the same way also He took the cup after supper, and finally The Lord look upon you with favor and give you peace: Amen. Yes, they are all parts of our church service, some from the beginning some from the middle, and some from the end. Yeah, and right now you’re thinking, that idiot didn’t need to tell us that! But, the reason I did is that no one part, is any less important than the other! When we come to church they all are very important to hear. In the past few months, we have been getting some complaints, about people disrupting other worshipers sitting around them, because they are visiting during service. The church is always open at least an hour before service, and it is open until everyone is through in fellowship, so please have the courtesy to those around you, to use these times to visit, not during service when the people around you are trying to worship. Thanks for your understanding!
Greeters –We’re always looking for greeters here at Trinity! There is a sign-up sheet down in the lobby on the register, this ministry is an easy one to help out with, and it doesn’t take up a bunch of your time. Please help us out, all it takes is a smile, a good morning or welcome and maybe a hand shake.
Communion cups just a follow up from my last report –Yes it was me, I came in early today and pushed them all down, and, I had a ball watching all of you trying to get them out of the tray today!
New Members- We would like to welcome all of our new members! We feel very privileged that you followed the guidance of the Holy Spirit here to Trinity as a guest, and we appreciate your trust in our Lord, Jesus Christ to continue here as members. Once again Welcome to you all! To continue the welcome, everyone is invited to join us for our new members brunch today, right after service. We will be welcoming 17 new member’s two of which two are young children. This is a good opportunity to get to know our newest members!
Back to school blast!– Trinity will be participating in the Back to School Blast on Tuesday, August 6th from 5 until 7. This event is attended by over 3000 children and their parents. This is a great opportunity to invite the community to our church. Volunteers will be needed to work the event, there is a signup sheet in the lobby on the register, if you are available, we can use help! We are also in need all types of school supplies to give out, (pencils, note books, erasers, colored pencils, any items of this type), so, when you are out shopping and you see a sale, if you could help this way it would be wonderful also. There is a box for donations in the entry area for your convenience, Thank you all for your assistance.
Veteran Recognition – All veterans and current military personnel are invited to join us on Sunday, July 14th. Trinity Lutheran Church is looking forward to expressing our appreciation to the men and women who have served and are serving in America’s armed forces. Recognition will be given during the 9:15 a.m. worship service that morning. A service of recognition will also be included during a brunch which is planned to begin at 10:30 a.m. in the Trinity Room. Please mark your calendars now to be part of this special event, to recognize those who have served our country. All Trinity members as well as the community are invited to attend!
Tithes and offering: – During the summer months, many of our parishioners go up north, take that long awaited vacation, or just spend more time away from home at family get together’s! And that’s great, but, if you only tithe when you come to church, it can make it very hard for our treasurer to pay the bills! So, when setting up you budget, it would help your church, if you sent your offering on a regular basis. Give it some thought, most banks any more have bill pay attached right to your account. Thanks in Advance
One last item! – We would like all of our new members to be, or stay in the sanctuary for a picture immediately following the service.
Thank you for the opportunity to share this update! I will be back for another update on September 29th.
God’s Blessing to you all!